Youth Ministry
We strongly believe in a ministry directed toward our children. We approach this work from a spiritual, social, and service position. The leadership of the congregation has demonstrated its support of this work by making Youth Ministry a major priority by hiring a full-time Youth Minister.
The Youth Ministry calendar is prepared almost a year in advance in order to give families the ability to plan around their various functions and obligations.
Many of our teen members are not native Nebraskans. This has worked in our favor in the assimilation of new people. Since almost every teen has moved here in recent years, we are more empathetic to "the new kid on the block" and understand the emotional difficulty associated with changes.
Highlights of past years and are as follows: Summer Camp, Spring and Fall Retreats, Summer Fun Day, Small Group Devotionals, Canoe Trips, A Mission Trip to Boles Children's Home,and a Wilderness Trek through the Rocky Mountains. As you can see, our schedules are filled with plenty of opportunities for fun, fellowship, and spiritual enrichment!
If you are interested in assisting with our teens or want more information about the Youth Ministry, please contact our Youth Minister or the church office listed below: