Children's Education

Our mission statement is simple: "Know Him, Show Him." We seek in all of our classes to use age appropriate methods to help the students know their creator and live to glorify him. At Southwest Church of Christ we offer excellent Bible based classes for children from birth through grade six.
The Cradle Roll is prepared to offer one or two classes depending on the number of children. A hands-on curriculum is used.The 2 & 3 year olds through 2nd grade use the Step Into the Book curriculum. This course is designed to take each class through the Bible in Biblical order using a variety of activities designed to match the varied learning styles of the students.
The 3rd & 4th grade team uses its own material which consists of one year of Bible survey and one year of spiritual growth focus. The fifth & sixth grade team uses a combination of Step Into the Book and self-designed material to meet the specific needs of the students.
Jr. Church has two age groups. Each group uses mini-bible lessons and hands-on activities to enrich the Bible learning these little ones receive during service.
Team Work
The Children's Education Ministry includes six teaching teams:- Cradle Roll (3 mos.—age two)
- Two & three year olds
- Four & five year olds
- 1st & 2nd grades
- 3rd & 4th grades
- 5th & 6th grades
Each team is made up of a leader, teachers, helpers, and support persons. The team leader schedules teachers and helpers. They also help team members grow in their ability to teach, encourage others to be a part of this vital ministry, and make sure that the curriculum is ready for each quarter. In addition to the teaching teams there is a Resource team. The Resource team is responsible for acquiring supplies and teaching resources for the various teaching team needs. The team leaders make up the Leadership Team. This team meets regularly to plan, trouble-shoot, and coordinate ministry events and needs.
This ministry offers a unique way to grow in Bible knowledge, service, and evangelism while having a lot of fun.Bible Knowledge: Most teachers will tell you that they learn more while teaching than by attending a Bible class. The teacher's guides and the excellent resources in both the library and the resource room help in this growth process.
Service: Built into the curriculum at each age level are appropriate service projects for the students. There are also opportunities to serve the families and friends of the students.
Evangelism: All of the children are encouraged to invite friends and the teams host social functions as outreach tools from time to time.
FUN: The learning activities while designed to help retention of the Bible learning are also FUN! Preparing for class is not a chore, but enjoyable.
Interested in Teaching?
There is always a need for more workers. We need teachers, helpers, people to prepare various items, phone callers, and actors/actresses, organizers—you name it—we can use your talent! Come visit our classes and see for yourself the joy that comes from making a difference in the life of a child - not to mention your own.The safety of the children in our classes and events is a top priority at Southwest. All teachers and helpers are required to go through a background check at our expense before being allowed to work with children at Southwest.
If you are interested in teaching, assisting teaching, or want more information about our Bible/Equipping classes, please contact our Adult & Children's Education deacons or the office listed below: